April 19, 2008:
After a day of golf (Andy) and a relaxing pedicure/manicure (me), Andy and I met at Hopper's (a local brewery) with our dear friend Brett to have a delicious lunch. Upon finishing said lunch, Andy and I went home and proceeded to fall asleep for 3 1/2 hours.
I woke up very drowsy to the ever-present sounds of NBA playoffs. Bleh. I plopped on the couch and Andy asked what I wanted to do that night. I shrugged, still very sleepy and a little put out that I was awake. "Want to go to a movie?" "No" "Want to go for a walk?" "No" "Want to rent a movie and bring it back here?" "No" "Want to go for a drive?"..."ok"
Andy got into the front seat and began driving toward Emigration Canyon, a popular place for a drive, and, the place of our first date....but did I think anything of it? Nope. We made our way into the canyon talking of very little in particular. I had mischievously winded the conversation toward a wedding. We began asking each other questions such as "do you believe in traditional vows or writing your own" and "what kind of music would you like played during the ceremony."
The conversation continued on in this manner until Andy pulled off at "our place." This was the infamous turnoff that four years ago I bullied Andy into a commitment (after knowing me for a week) and we became a couple. When we reached the sacred piece of pavement there was another car there. We sat in the car and continued talking until the unwanted visitors became annoyed with our presence and left. Andy pulled around to the place with the best view and the exact place where we sat that first night. We reminisced about how much had happened in four years and how excited we were for the next four years.
Andy shut of the engine and asked if I wanted to get out for a while. The answer was yes...I prefer being outside despite the howling wind. We leaned on the car and continued our mushy and thoroughly enjoyable conversation. Andy turned to me and said, "Do you love me?" This is a very normal statement in our relationship. I smiled and answered as I always do,"Yes. Of course I do!"
"Do you want to marry me?" Again, not out of the ordinary. I asked this question of Andy countless times.
"Yes, I do."
"Ok, I need your hands."
"Shut up"...that's right folks. Those words made it out of my mouth purely out of shock.
Andy took my hands and kissed them. He got down on both knees.
"Will you marry me?"
By this time I was sobbing inconsolably. I was not weeping...I was sobbing with hiccups and all. I eeked out a 'yes' and hugged Andy still sobbing and laughing at the same time. Minutes later I realized that he had put a ring on my finger. Only then did I bring it to my line of sight and see the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.
Andy had picked out and purchased the ring while I was in Calistoga with my sister, Mom and Grandma. He picked it up from the jewelers a week later and has been keeping it in his sock drawer for two weeks. Andy told me he looked at it while I was at work and held it when he called my parents on Wednesday. Andy had already talked to my parents, my sister, his parents, and close friends. It was perfect and beautiful.